Akshat has
rupees to spend in the current month. His daily expenditure is rupees, i.e., he spendsrupees each day.
Given that the current month has
days, find out if Akshat has enough money to meet his daily expenditures for this month.
Input Format
- The first line will contain
- - the amount of money Akshat has for the current month and his daily expenditure respectively.
Output Format
For each test case, output YES
if Akshat has enough money to meet his daily expenditure for
days of the month, otherwise output NO
You may print each character of YES
and NO
in uppercase or lowercase (for example, yes
, yEs
, Yes
will be considered identical).
Sample Input 1
1000 10
250 50
1500 50
Sample Output 1
Test Case
: Akshat has rupees and he wants to spendrupees in the entire month. Therefore, he has enough money for the entire month.
Test Case
: Akshat has rupees and he wants to spendrupees in the entire month. Therefore, he does not have enough money for the entire month.
Test Case
: Akshat has rupees and he wants to spend rupees in the entire month. Therefore, he has enough money for the entire month.
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